President: Howard Bernstein, Penn Installations
Vice President: Joseph Orr, III, J.C. Orr & Son, Inc.
Secretary: David Miorelli, Joseph Miorelli & Company
Treasurer: David Jones, Cresswell BrothersImmediate Past President: John Panzitta, Panzitta Enterprises
KCA Board of Directors
Mark Anskis, Bill Anskis Inc.
William Brightbill, Modernfold of Central PA
James Darr, Darr Construction Company
Tad Hoffmaster, EnerFab
Robert Leahey, McCrossin
James Novinger, Novinger's Inc.
Mike Pasquerilla, Ridgetop Interiors, Inc.
Gregory Quandel, Quandel Construction Group
Noble Quandel, Jr., Quandel Construction Group
Jeffrey Smith, Alexander Building Construction Company LLC